Acupuncture Treatment of Golfer’s Elbow


Chief Complaint: Pain in right forearm near the elbow

Western Diagnosis: Golfer’s elbow

Medical History: Since a month ago, patient has pain in right forearm. It’s localized sharp pain that aggravates when patient tries to lift something and playing golf. 9 out 10 in pain scale and pain has been consistent since the beginning. Irregular diet, plays golf regularly, rides motorcycle occasionally, smokes 10 cig/day.

Questioning exam: sharp pain increase w/ exertion.

answers to the ten questions were insignificant.

Pulse exam: weak bilateral kidney pulse

overall slippery and wiry bilaterally

Tongue exam: Purple, red dots thin yellow coating

OM Diagnosis: Bi Syndrome. Blood stagnation. Seems like patient strained the muscle in his right forearm from playing golf and riding his motorcycle. So, the blood is stagnated in that particular area and has pain in the area.

Treatment Principle: Let the blood flow properly w/o stag.

manage the pain

Point Prescription: Tuina and infrared on the problem area.

acupuncture points: LI4, LI10, LI11, ASHI points.

Herbal Formula: N/A

Lifestyle Prescription: cut down on smoking, drink more water, stretch exercise, go easy w/ playing golf and riding bike.

Results: First visit, his pain level was 9/10

Second visit, he said pain level went down to 2/10. Result was really good.

Clinic Name: Better Health Clinic

clinic address: 1442 Irvine Blvd #125

Tustin, CA 92780

clinic phone number: 714-505-1901

email address:

Last modified: September 8, 2009  Tags: , ,  Â·  Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal