Generalities to Guide Clinical Practice (A Quick Guide)


There are certain answers that come up frequently during the “inquiry” phase of the diagnostic interaction in Chinese medicine.

For instance, whenever you see secretions or excretions that are yellow, no matter where they appear, the diagnostic significance always points to heat. The same can be said of clear or white secretions, they indicate cold. That can be speaking of urine, phlegm, or any secretions, even ejaculate. (I should note that ejaculation *should* be white, but not clear which might indicate a Kidney deficiency such as yang deficiency in which case we could say this indication suggests internal cold of the deficiency type.)

As is the case with all of Chinese medicine diagnostics, these findings need to be triangulated (quadrangulated?) with the three other pillars of diagnosis, namely palpation (including pulse diagnosis), observation (including tongue diagnosis), and “listening/smelling”.

These generalities can easily guide a practitioner toward relevant, accurate, and efficacious diagnosis. Enjoy.

Clear and copious cold
Yellow and scanty heat
Cloudy damp
Pus toxicity
Yellow to green heat
Thin and watery phlegm damp
Hard and difficult to expectorate dry phlegm
Pale pink, red, or purple urine bleeding
Loud excess
Soft deficiency
worse with rest stagnation
worse with fatigue deficiency
worse with heat heat
worse with cold cold
worse with damp weather damp in the channels
worse with pressure excess
increases by eating excess
after sex kidney deficiency
with stress Liver Qi stagnation
before period Liver Qi stagnation
after period Blood deficiency
better with rest deficiency
better with movement stagnation
better with heat cold
better with cold heat
better with pressure deficiency
diminishes with eating deficiency
Red heat
Pale and flaccid deficiency
Pink or pale red yin deficiency
Nodular or lumpy stagnation of Qi, Blood, or phlegm (or combination of the three)
Red with pus heat with toxicity
pain migrates Wind in the channels
red, swollen, hot joints heat in the channels
dull, distended, larger area qi stagnation
sharp, fixed, smaller area blood stagnation
heavy pain damp
cramping pain cold
burning pain heat
Acute onset, short duration exterior
Slow onset, chronic duration interior
excess pathologies tend to run their course quickly and are more intense.
deficiency pathologies tend to run chronically and are low-grade.
Times ‘O The Day
Dawn shao yang
Midday tai yang
Afternoon to dusk yang ming
Dusk to midnight shao yin
Midnight to 3 am tai yin
3 am to dawn jue yin
elderly tend to suffer from deficiencies
youth tend to suffer from excesses
children can be excessive or deficient
Liver Signs
Pathologies that are coincidental to the period generally indicate a Liver involvement.
Pathologies that are stress induced generally indicate a Liver involvement.
Gender Specific Issues
Women tend to suffer from a deficiency of Blood (through menopause, then Yin)
Men tend to suffer from a deficiency of Yin or Yang or Jing
Food and Drink
desire for warm cold
desire for cold warm
Areas of Domination
flanks gall bladder
hypochondrium (includes back and front) Liver
lumbus (low back) Kidney
epigastric region (below ribs on midline) Stomach
“alternating” things Shao Yang (GB)
one sided things Shao Yang (GB)
File under “Duh”
cough Lungs
palpitations Heart
diarrhea Spleen

Last modified: September 11, 2009  Tags: , , , , , ,  В·  Posted in: Inquiry