Archive for the ‘Hepatic’ Category
Acupuncture Treatment of Hepatitis

Chief Complaint: pains in hypochondrium , poor appetite & bad erection
Western Diagnosis: viral hepatitis
Medical History: patient is Male ,47 years old , with HCAg +ve , hight SGOT SGPT ,
Abd. distention
Questioning exam: question & answers about the case is for how long (3 years) what is the dietary habits
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, hepatitis · Posted in: Hepatic, Infectious
Oriental Medicinal Herb and Acupuncture for Fatty Liver and Diabetes

Chief Complaint: fatty liver and poorly controlled Type 2 Diabetes
Medical History: 55 yr old Caucasian male. Morbidly obese.
First appointment on March 2004 pt’s labs reflect triglyceride level of 1105, cholesterol of 230 and elevated AST (50’s) and ALT (80’s). Pt’s record of blood sugars indicate his blood sugars were consistently in the high 230’s. Pt was not (and is not) on any western medications. Even though pt had dangerously elevated triglycerides and blood sugars he consistently refused western medications. His MD finally referred him to acupuncture in the hopes that something could be done to stabilize the patient.
Patient does not drive and does not cook. He reports excessive appetite He either buys prepared meals at the deli counter of grocery store or goes out to eat. His only exercise was walking to the public bus.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, anger, diabetes, fatty liver · Posted in: Hepatic, Metabolic
The Treatment of Cholecystitis

Chief Complaint: Cholecystitis
Age: 50
Sex: F
Symptoms Seventeen years ago, the patient had a surgery and removed the gallbladder; Every year she has 2-3 attacks in the hypochondrium region (upper); She has had a dull pain for one week radiating to the back, without nausea and vomiting; The urine is yellow; Yesterday she had fever; She has a gall stone in the duct, which has 0.9 cm; Normal appetite, digestion and bowels. Tongue: purple, red sides, thick yellow coating.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, Cholecystitis · Posted in: Hepatic