Archive for the ‘Metabolic’ Category

The Treatment of Fibrocystic Breasts with Chinese Herbs


Chief Complaint: fibrocystic breasts

Western Diagnosis: fibrocystic breast disease

Medical History: T., 47 year old female, came to me complaining of fibrocystic breasts. Gyn exam revealed lumpy breast tissue, with scattered fluid-filled cysts in the upper quadrants. There was no pain associated with the condition. Menstrual history is uneventful; general good health. She began menstruating at 11 years of age, had two pregnancies, one live birth, and one abortion. Her gynecologist suggested mammography, but T. wanted to try Chinese medicine first. T. exercises regularly, using weights, flexibility training, aerobics, and Qi gong. She also meditates daily, eats a wide variety of foods, and regularly takes vitamin supplements; she detoxes three times per year.

Last modified: September 6, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: , ,  В· Posted in: Cancer, Gynecological, Metabolic

depression, low energy treated with Chinese medicine


Chief Complaint: depression, low energy

Western Diagnosis: impotence, prostate

Medical History: Patient always tired, overweight and could not think sharply as well as having poor memory. Also, no sex drive, lower back pain, depression and couldn’t sleep well. Also complained of frequent urination during nighttime.

Last modified: September 6, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: ,  В· Posted in: Metabolic, Neurological