Archive for the ‘Musculo-Skeletal’ Category
Left Knee Pain Treated with Acupuncture

Chief-complaint: Left Knee Pain for 2 weeks
Western-diagnosis: Left Knee fat pad irritation
Medical-history: 2 weeks ago gradually onset with progressive physical training. Resting, Ice, compression management received but no progression gained. Patient further seek bone-setter treatment but the situation got worse.
Symptoms: Left Knee inferior portion showed significant swelling, with local inflammatory signs significant. Patients walk with pain, and the discomfort increased with going up and down stair.
Last modified: November 13, 2011 В·
al В·
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Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
Acupuncture Used for Arm Pain

Chief-complaint: Pain in both arms
Medical-history: 86 yr old woman with high blood pressure, has had thyroid surgery, and receives cortisone shots for low back pain.
Symptoms: Patient has been having severe pain radiating down her arms so much so that she takes Ibuprofen every four hours and has been doing so for 6 months. The pain keeps her up at night and limits her ability to perform regular tasks.
Pulse: Pulse was thready and rapid with Lung and Kidney weak.
Her trapezius muscle was especially tight, points UB10 and GB21 were painful, UB43 tight as well as UB11,12, and 13. Many Ashi points.
Last modified: August 9, 2011 В·
al В·
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Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal, Neurological
Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Shoulder Pain

Chief-complaint: Right Shoulder Pain
Western-diagnosis: inflammation of the deltoid
Medical-history: 64 year old female.
Complaining of shoulder pain x 1 month.
Symptoms: Right shoulder pain
Pain with arm abduction
Forward flexion pain
Last modified: April 22, 2010 В·
al В·
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Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
The Use of Acupuncture and Moxabustion for Scar Tissue

Chief-complaint: Arm numbness & weakness due to trauma
Medical-history: A right-handed young man (~21), seen & treated at a volunteer shift at a homeless youth drop-in service center. We’ll call him Amadeus.
About a year previously, Amadeus got in a fight & was stabbed in the left arm, and then thrown in jail where he received almost zero medical attention. He had one wound up in the deltoid, and a more serious one about halfway up the ventral forearm. This trauma seems to have nearly severed his extensor digitorum (while he was in jail, he couldn’t move or feel his fingers). About 4 months after the initial injury, he had surgery to repair the injury.
Symptoms: When I saw him, he had a large (about 8”) crooked scar on his forearm; the initial knife wound had a deep scar at the center, & there are 2 surgical scars extending out from it.
Last modified: March 15, 2010 В·
al В·
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Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
Acupuncture and Herbs used for Shoulder Pain

Chief Complaint: Right shoulder pain in LI-15 area
Western Diagnosis: X ray confirms calcium deposit on anterior aspect of humerus, between heads of biceps brachii tendons.
Medical History: 41 y.o. female, attorney. First noticed the pain about two years ago while in a stressful court trial. Multiple Sclerosis diagnosed at age 19. Auto accident five years ago with subsequent back pain. Smokes cigarettes, drinks alcohol moderately, and acknowledges that she is overweight and doesn’t exercise enough. Diet consisted of a lot of business lunches eaten hurriedly while reading stacks of legal briefs. At present,the pain is a constant dull ache which occasional sharp stabbing sensations which make her feel nauseous. She has tried massage and chiropractic and is trying acupuncture as a last resort to surgery to remove the calcium deposit.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Acupuncture, shoulder pain В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
Acupuncture and Herbs for Heel Pain

Chief Complaint: Left Heel Pain
Medical History: At age 14, he was diagnosed with polio. And ever since then fear has been one of the predominating emotions in his life. In 1997, he voluntarily underwent a vasectomy. He felt this would allow him to engage in a fulfilling sexual lifestyle, without the worry of ever having any children.
He is a tall man, standing over 6’5, and possessing a very muscular physique. He is also currently undergoing marital strife, as I also treat his wife as well. There are seeking marriage counseling.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Acupuncture, heel pain, Herbs В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
Acupuncture used for Low Back Pain and Hot Feet

Chief Complaint: lower back discomfort, hot feet.
Medical History: Female approx 50 + y.o.
Presenting Challenge: Discomfort in lower back last 12 months or so, can vary from sore or can’t get comfortable, to a sense of tired, weak. Also digestive challenges leading to diminished appetite pattern of irregular food intake due to varying work schedule.
Irregular menses last 2 years, last period 6mths or so ago.
Otherwise feels general health to be pretty good tho work schedules can be a bit taxing when busy.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Acupuncture, hot feet, low back pain В· Posted in: Metabolic, Musculo-Skeletal
Acupuncture and Herbs for Low Back Pain

Chief Complaint: lower back pain for 6 years
Western Diagnosis: L3-L5 Hyperosteogeny
Medical History: Patient has been suffering from lower back pain for 6 years, and the pain, accompanied with sciatica for 3 months, gets worse when he is tired. He had chiropractic treatment for 3 months, but it was not efficiently improved.
Pulse exam: Pulse is wiry and fast.
Tongue exam: Tongue is purplish and redish with little coating.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Acupuncture, low back pain В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
Herbs and Acupuncture for Achelles Tendinitis

Chief Complaint: Achilles Tendinitis
Western Diagnosis: Achilles Tendinitis
Medical History: Patient, 62, with primary complaint of achilles heel tendinitis. She has been a ice skater for over twenty years and has only recently began feeling a fixed pain and swelling at KD3 to KD7 area.
She is slightly overweight with poor eating habits, yet has a good exercise regimine, exercising at least 4 times a week for at least 45 minutes.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Achilles tendinitis, Acupuncture, Herbs В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
Acupuncture Treatment for Hand Injury

Chief Complaint: Pain and immobility of hand
Western Diagnosis: Hand Crush Injury.
Medical History: Crush injury of right hand during work-accident.
Questioning exam: Continuous pain in right hand, immobility of hand and fingers with exacerbation of pain with movement. Insomnia, decline in libido and sexual performance since injury.
OM Diagnosis: Injury of PC channel, with attendant symptoms of PC organ, causing insomnia and sexual and libido decline.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Acupuncture, tissue trauma В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal