Acupuncture for Pain in the Lower Back and Hips

Western Diagnosis: Seasonal allergies and Ankylosing Spondilitis
Medical History: Patient is a healthy appearing 28 year old male who has a history of allergies (ragweed, dust) since childhood and more recently diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondilitis 3 years ago after a pain in his toes (middle toe on rt, second on lt). No treatments have affected the seasonal allergies. Patient is currently taking Hydroxychloroquine for the Ankylosing Spondilitis as needed by his rheumatologist. Stiffness in the morning but gets better as day goes along. Nothing remarkable in the diet. Patient is physically active as a father (4 year old) and soon to be again.
Questioning exam: Allergies – the fact that the history of this has occurred seasonally and the allergens identified. The typical signs and symptoms of slight cough, occasional sneezing, red/hot/itchy eyes that tear and tiredness. It was noted that eyes had more problems at between 7-9pm. Very little mucus mostly eye problems. As for the Ankylosing Spondilitis, it has caused him difficulty with bending and walking as well as pain after physical activity (likes to play golf). Ankylosing Spondilitis tends to be progressive and this has been observed by the patient w/ increased back and hip pain and stiffness.
Pulse exam: Pulse – thin, weak in the lung position.
Palpation (abdominal) – pain on pressure in the areas of heart/pericardium as well as lower left quadrant (blood stagnation per Kiiko Matsumoto). The fire point Pc 8 was reactive and better with pressure on Pc 4.
Tongue exam: Tongue – Pale, swollen body with large distended purple sublingual veins.
OM Diagnosis: Although one can focus solely upon the repeating seasonal pattern and treat this with exterior relieving herbs, I choose to clear the abdominal reactions and so the blood stagnation was the first area of focus (after ruling out possible heart problems).
Treatment Principle: Open up channels and move blood.
Point Prescription: The combination of Liver 4 and lung 5 both on the left side were needled to reduce the pressure pain on lower left abdomen. Pc 4 (Japanese location 6 cun from wrist) was also needled to help reduce pain on Pc 8 as well as heart abdominal area. Lung 9 and spleen 3 received direct moxa cones till patient could feel warmth.
Herbal Formula: None
Lifestyle Prescription: Mentioned diet but patient did not seem to make any connection to present patterns. Gave brochure about allergies and dietary recommendations to patient to read later.
Results: Patient had greater mobility of the hips without any pain. Allergies were much improved as well and mentioned that eyes had cleared for several hours, energy level was better.
Synopsis: I have found that greater clinical efficacy can be achieved when clearing abdominal areas and that signs and symptoms are not always related to the underlying condition.
Clinic Name: Michael W. Bowser, MTOM, BS, LAc
clinic address: 6719 – 4th Ave S
Richfield, MN 55423
clinic phone number: 612-968-4902
email address:
Last modified: September 8, 2009
Tags: abdominal, Acupuncture, allergies, ankylosing spondilitis В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal