Acupuncture and Herbs for Low Back Pain

Western Diagnosis: L3-L5 Hyperosteogeny
Medical History: Patient has been suffering from lower back pain for 6 years, and the pain, accompanied with sciatica for 3 months, gets worse when he is tired. He had chiropractic treatment for 3 months, but it was not efficiently improved.
Pulse exam: Pulse is wiry and fast.
Tongue exam: Tongue is purplish and redish with little coating.
OM Diagnosis: Qi and blood stagnation
Treatment Principle: Promoting qi and blood circulation
Point Prescription: Electroacupuncture, 7-star needle, and cupping, twice a week for 3 months.
Herbal Formula: Shu Di5, Rou Cong Rong5, Lu Xian Cao3, Dang Gui4, Niu Xi3, Gu Sui Bu5, Ji Xue Teng5, Mo Yao5, Yan Hu Suo3, Du Huo3
Results: The pain is relieved 80%.
Last modified: September 8, 2009
Tags: Acupuncture, low back pain В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal