The Acupuncture Treatment of Neck Pain

Western Diagnosis: neck pain
Medical History: 41 yo male patient was in MVA 11/20/2000. Pt. states he was stationary at stop sign and was struck from rear by trash truck moving approximately 8mph. Pt. denies striking any object inside of car. Pt. states he was wearing seat belt.
Questioning exam: Pt denies dizziness, blurred vision, nausea. Pt also denies and loss of movement on limbs or any burning or numbness sensations. Pt. states neck is very sore and that he can barely move it.
Pulse exam: HR 60 BPM BP 120/80
flexion normal
extension normal
lateral flexion normal
palpation reveals swelling and mild tenderness
Tongue exam: Tongue N/A
Pt. appears slightly uncomfortable.
OM Diagnosis: Qi and blood stagnation
Rationale: trauma
Treatment Principle: Move qi and blood
Point Prescription: local ashi points/ ice with micro current stimulation
Herbal Formula: Yan hu suo tang
Results: Outstanding result. Increased range of motion and reduction of inflammation
Synopsis: Chinese diagnosis of little value in trauma. Seems western approach of acupuncture significantly better than eastern viewpoint. I knew that any ways going through school
Courtesy of:
Eric M. Cachia, L.Ac.
Pacific Natural Medicine
16300 Sand Canyon Ave., Suite 803
Irvine, CA. 92618
(949) 400-1864
Last modified: September 6, 2009
Tags: Acupuncture, neck, pain В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal