Archive for the ‘Musculo-Skeletal’ Category
The Acupuncture Treatment of Stiff, Sore Neck, Whiplash
Chief Complaint: stiff, sore neck
Western Diagnosis: whiplash injury
Medical History: health, exercise, diet excellent
Questioning exam: pain front and back of neck, some aching down into shoulders,
Pulse exam: pulse wiry, shoulders and neck muscles in spasm
Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: Acupuncture, Channel, whiplash · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
The Treatment of Bi Syndrome “Knee Arthritis” with Acupuncture
Chief Complaint: Bi Syndrome “Knee Arthritis”
A female patient age 60 yr old with chief complaint of right knee pain deteriorating over a period of 2 years ,the pain is localized in the right knee accompanied by heaviness sensation, worse with cold and partially alleviated by warm compresses.
Over the period of two years and after seeking medical advice the patient had several modalities of treatment none of them could stop the progress of the pain. The x-ray film revealed osteo arthritic changes of the knee joint together with marked osteoporosis,so the treatment was composed of different forms of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs “NSAID” together with Vit B 12 injection ,calcium supplement tablets and local anti inflammatory creams, gels, with nutritional advice because of her overweight.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: Acupuncture, arthritis, Channel · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
Treatment of Gout, excruciating pain in the right knee, swelling and redness with acupuncture
Chief Complaint: Gout attack, excruciating pain in the right knee, swelling and redness. Patient is not able to walk. She can’t stand even the lightest touch in the knee area. Chief complaint
History: knee started to be increasingly painful 3 days before first treatment. She had a similar, less severe attack 6 months ago.
Medical History: 68 year old female. Married 8 children. Poor health. Overweight. Fat in the abdominal area. Kidney energy: Wakes up to urinate 3 times a night. Constant and dull low back pain. Weak knees. Spleen energy: Good appetite. Heartburn a couple of times a week. Regular bowel movements.Tired after eating Pain in the hypochondria, Emotional/nervous system Worries a lot. Fearful. Sleeps on an off during the night. Heart palpitations once a month.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: Acupuncture, gout · Posted in: Metabolic, Musculo-Skeletal
Treatment of Pain of Upper Extremities, RSI with Acupuncture
Chief Complaint: pain of upper extremities
Western Diagnosis: RSI
Medical History: A very common referral to our practice by Neurologists and Orthopedics is patients with the diagnosis of CT (Carpal Tunnel). The majority of the times the patients will have a median nerve conduction that is normal. Main complaints: pain and burning of the elbow-hand-fingers, not responding to any of the usual NSAIDs (Not Steroids Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), physical therapy or surgery. The medication usually prescribed will be Ibuprofen 600-800 mgs. 2/3 times a day, Naproxen 500 mgs. 2 times/day or newer drugs like Viox or Celebrex. The secondary effects of these drugs are related to the upper GI: nausea, vomiting, heartburn etc. In many cases the secondary effects are so severe that the patient needs to discontinue the medication.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: arm, pain · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal, Neurological
Stiffness, tremors, gait restrictions, Parkinson’s treated with acupuncture
Chief Complaint: Stiffness, tremors, gait restrictions
Western Diagnosis: Parkinson’s
Medical History: 84 year old man presenting with Parkinson’s disease and common presentations of tremors (hands) and shuffling of gait. also, mental confusion and lethargic.
Questioning exam: diet, exposures to chemicals, vaccination history/complications etc.
Pulse exam: Pulse slippery
Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: Acupuncture, Parkinson's · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal, Neurological