The Acupuncture Treatment of Hearing Loss


Chief Complaint: Loss of hearing

Western Diagnosis: Deafness

Medical History: 7 yrs. old child came to me with a history of suffering with coryza and fever for 7 days and sudden onset of deafness in both ears. Audiometery was done which shows moderate to severe deafness in both ears. No relief with allopathic medicines and child was advised hearing aid

Questioning exam: Child was very irritant and was not responding to oral commands may be due to deafness

Pulse exam: normal

Tongue exam: pinkish tongue,no other signs were present

OM Diagnosis: according to me deafness was due to local infection so only local points were used

Treatment Principle: all acupuncture points treat diseases of the local and adjacent areas

Point Prescription: SJ 17,21
SI 19 GB 2
only local points were used and were stimulated with laser only as I feel deafness was due to local infection

Lifestyle Prescription: No other treatment was advised

Results: Patient was able to hear only within 3 days, Audiometery was done after 9 days which shows hearing was within normal limits

Synopsis: Do not depend only on books try your brain also and accept every case with a challenge

Courtesy of:
Anish Gupta, MD
All Cure Clonic and Research Centre
Jhalawar Road, Chawani Choraha Oppo. SBI
Kota, Rajasthan 324007 India

Last modified: September 6, 2009  Tags: ,  В·  Posted in: EENT, Neurological