Acupuncture Treatment of Ganglion Cyst
Western Diagnosis: Ganglion cyst
Medical History: Right handed computer/mouse user
Questioning exam: Cosmetic reasons:[/b] looked prominent though painless.
OM Diagnosis: Phlegm accumulation based on local Qi and blood stagnation
Treatment Principle: Local needling
Point Prescription: Looking up medical acupuncture and general acupuncture websites I could not find any particularly relevant information
Herbal Formula: N/A
Lifestyle Prescription: Wrist support, exercise
Results: After one treatment, basically my idea was just to “puncture” the cyst and using direct moxa on site, within 24 hours the cyst fluid leaked out and the prominent, disfiguring lump disappeared.
I had to repeat the very same treatment a couple of times later when the lump was just about showing gain and it has not returned as of today.
Clinic Name: BiOrient Integrative Clinic
clinic address: 27405 Puerta Real, Suite: 260
Monarch Beach, CA 92691
clinic phone number: (949)215-3180
Last modified: September 8, 2009 Tags: Acupuncture, ganglion cyst В· Posted in: Metabolic, Neurological