Stiffness, tremors, gait restrictions, Parkinson’s treated with acupuncture


Chief Complaint: Stiffness, tremors, gait restrictions

Western Diagnosis: Parkinson’s

Medical History: 84 year old man presenting with Parkinson’s disease and common presentations of tremors (hands) and shuffling of gait. also, mental confusion and lethargic.

Questioning exam: diet, exposures to chemicals, vaccination history/complications etc.

Pulse exam: Pulse slippery

Tongue exam: thick, slippery coating, mid line crack reaching the tip with prickles on tip. Tongue body swollen

OM Diagnosis: Phlegm condition obstructing heart pathways. Traditional text would refer to this as “Phlegm misting the mind” and sometimes associated with wind stroke. Family believed patient had undiagnosed stroke as their is evidence
of left facial paralysis.

Treatment Principle: Open heart, relieve phlegm

Point Prescription: Points used in varying degree: He 9, P-5, Bl 15, St 40 and sometimes Bl 20

Herbal Formula: Obtained from these methods due to other technique surrounding nutritional therapies( see below)

Lifestyle Prescription: Using a technique called NRT I was able to identify Xenobiotics in the cerebellum and we are currently detoxing this with specific homoepathics and nutrition

Results: patient’s gait has improved gradually. after treatment in office patient can take full strides. Fatigue is still an issue as is patients lack of will to create movement (at 84 he sits around alot during the day in slumped position)

Synopsis: I believe at this age we can at least manage his condition and see a 20- 30% improvement in lifestyle adaptations
Patient smiles more now and his disposition has definitely improved

Courtesy of:
Edward R. Leshin, D.C., L.Ac.
Alternative Healing Concepts
33 West Higgins Road, Suite 5070
South Barrington, IL 60010

Last modified: September 6, 2009  Tags: ,  Â·  Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal, Neurological