Archive for the ‘Case Studies’ Category

Acupuncture and Herbs for Insomnia


Chief Complaint: stress, insomnia

Medical History: busy, stressful time at work, having to discipline difficult employee. not running, doing yoga as usual. Awakes at 2 am, irritable.

Questioning exam: irritable, up at 2, out of healthy routine

Pulse exam: P: 80, wiry

Tongue exam: T: red, peeled sides & tip thin, white coat.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: ,  В· Posted in: Well-Being

Chinese Medicine for Delayed Menstruation


Chief Complaint: Delayed Menstruation

History: 25 year old female. Menarche at 14 years old. No history of significant illnesses or trauma.

Symptoms: Delayed menstruation since menarch. Menstrual cycle between 40-60 days. Day 34 of cycle. Scanty, pale menstrual blood. Cramps, occasional clots, low back pain with onset of menses. Headaches and fatigue after menses.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: , ,  В· Posted in: Gynecological

Herbs and Acupuncture for IBS Diarrhea


Chief Complaint: Chronic diarrhea for 10 years

Western Diagnosis: IBS.

Medical History: Female, 67y. She has chronic diarrhea for 10 years, which was diagnosed as IBS. Diarrhea 4 to 5 times everyday, which refrains her from going out, loose stools, no obvious abdominal pain before diarrhea, poor sleep, dry mouth.

Questioning exam: Tenderness around umbilicus. She is stressful, but denied diarrhea related to emotional disturbance.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: , , , ,  В· Posted in: Digestive

Acupuncture and Herbs for Migraine Headaches


Chief Complaint: Migraines

Medical History: Patient M is a 32 year old Italian Male who resides in Los Angeles, California and works for a moving company. He presented in my office two years ago with complaints of Migraine headaches that he has had since he was a child. He has tried taking medication for his headaches, but they have not helped.

Since Mr. M was about twelve years old he has experienced migraine headaches about every other week. These headaches last for about one day and range from moderate to severe. Unless his headaches are severe the patient continues to go to work and perform his daily activities. He reports that his headaches feel like pressure inside his head and can sometimes feel like stabbing pain. His usually experiences them on only one side, but that sometimes it is the left and sometimes it is on the right, but never both sides in one episode.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: , , ,  В· Posted in: EENT, Neurological

Acupuncture Treatment of Low back pain


Chief Complaint: Low back pain

Western Diagnosis: Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Medical History: Patient is a 82 year old male. He has had back pain for over 10 years. Relevant symptoms include achy, radiating sensation down the anterior right thigh and leg. Numbness and tingling in both feet. Major pain is at the right sacral area at the PSIS. It is tender to the touch. He has had back surgery, laminectomy of the L2,3 and 4 vertebrea. Left knee replacement 7 years ago and right hip replacement 15 years ago. he complains of no pain any where else in the body.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: ,  В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal

Acupuncture Treatment of Heel Pain


Chief Complaint: Heel Pain

Western Diagnosis: Plantar Fasciitis

Medical History: 52 year old female, thin body type. Runs 5-7 miles, 3-5 times per week for exercise. Menstruation ceased three years previously.

Questioning exam: Orthopedic physician diagnosed plantar fasciitis. NSAIDs, rest, shoe inserts and physical therapy stretching regimen offered little relief.

Pulse exam: Pulse is thin, moderately strong, moderately slow. Both third positions and Liver position are weakest.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: , , ,  В· Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal

Acupuncture and Oriental Herbs for Fatigue


Chief Complaint: low energy

Western Diagnosis: fatigue

Medical History: diet almost vegetarian, not much appetite, slow digestion stressful life no serious illness in the past

Questioning exam: Low energy, more so in the afternoon, prone to anxiety, feels cold often, sleep deeply and a lot.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: , , ,  В· Posted in: Metabolic

Acupuncture and Oriental Herbs for Fibromyalgia


Chief Complaint: Body Pain

Western Diagnosis: Fibromyalgia

Medical History: Patient is a 36 year old female who has a chief complaint of fibromyalgia. She has been experiencing pain in her knees, hips and low back for the past 10 years. This pain began around the same time that she had surgery for bilateral epicondylitis. This patient has experienced a lot of stress in her life related to work and a divorce several years ago. She is only able to exercise occasionally because of pain limitations. She has smoked 1 pack of cigarettes a day for the past 20 years. She does not consume alcohol or caffeine. She has a history of fibroids and gallstones, and her gallbladder was removed 5 years ago. She was also diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome 5 years ago.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: , ,  В· Posted in: Metabolic, Neurological

Oriental Medicine Treatment for Low Libido


Chief Complaint: Low Libido

Medical History: The patient, RR is a 35-year-old male, approximately 5’10” tall and 180 lbs. His chief concern is low libido. The patient has had a normal libido for most of his adult life; however, six months ago he began having a lack of sexual desire.

RR states that he has led an active life, exercises regularly and is currently training for the Portland Marathon. He has been partnered with a woman for four years now and had a mutually satisfying sex life until six months ago. His partner is a 45-year-old female with two children from a previous relationship. The couple would like to have another due to RR’s age and lack of children. The patient is a financial adviser for an insurance company, which until this last summer was very stressful. He now enjoys less stress due to a promotion and hours that are more regular. His only other health concern is that at an annual exam two years ago his doctor found, due to a heart murmur, that he has a bicuspid valve rather than a tricuspid valve in his heart at an annual exam two years ago.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: , ,  В· Posted in: Reproductive

One Point Acupuncture for Mental Restlessness


Chief Complaint: Too much thinking, scattered energy, and feeling hot

Medical History: Fast paced lifestyle, wife and mother of two, works two jobs, maintains household, not enough time in the day. diet: standard American diet, exercise: minimal,

Questioning exam: Thinking too much, Feeling lots to do; Easily frustrated, stress, easily angered, hanging onto emotional events of past; reddish complexion, talks fast, soft voice, overweight;

OM Diagnosis: excess above due to heat rising due to stagnation of qi.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: ,  В· Posted in: Well-Being