Chinese Medicine for Male Infertility

Western Diagnosis: low sperm count, low testosterone, hi LH & FSH
History: lost several hundred pounds a few years ago. currently on raw food diet. leads mentally healthy lifestyle.
Symptoms: frequent urination (but drinks ~2 gallons of water a day); high energy; good attitude; low back pain; loose stool; diagnosed w/gall stones; craves salt; foot fungus; occasional headaches; on and off exhausted, but only sleeps 6 hours/night due to schedule.
Palpation: 60-72bpm; deep, weak, mid-jao often slippery; sometimes choppy
Observation: Pale-red, on the paler side. Thin white coat in front and thin yellow coat in back, which has diminished over the course of tx. Slight puffiness also diminishing. Red petechiea dots on liver/GB area on R side. minor cracking in middle Stomach area.
Also observed good shen; talkative; pensive; mild mannered.
OM Diagnosis: Kidney yin, yang, essence deficiency
Treatment Principle: Boost yin, yang, & essence
Point Prescription: face up tx about 20 needles with combos from this: GB26, Ren 2, Ren 3, Ren 4, Ren 6, K11, ST29, K12, ST30, SP6, SP10, Liv8, SP9, K2, K3, LU10, Ren 17, ST36.
face down tx- combos from this: UB 30, UB 31, UB32, UB33, UB23, UB 20, UB 15, UB18, K1, SP5, DU 20, UB60, GB 25.
Herb Prescription: Is currently on second modification. Also, did take Health Concerns’ Astra Essence for several weeks. Current formula (taken as a tea):
Ren shen 9g, Shu di 12g, shan zhu yu 6g, shan yao 12g, gou qi zi 12g, tu si zi 12g, du zhong 6g, dang gui 6g, yin yang huo 9g, ba ji tian 6g, he shou wu 9g.
Lifestyle Prescription: foods (is on raw diet, but does start w/some cooked food by mid-autumn); go to bed earlier (will allow him more sleep); eat red/’blood’ foods for blood building. He exercises plenty and has a great relationship w/his spouse.
Results: Sperm count is up from ‘3’- yes, just 3- to ‘5million’. Tongue coat had no yellow last week. Tongue body has gained color and lost some bulk. Yin and Yang pulses have more fortitude. Less fatigue reported.
Synopsis: This patient is still in treatment and is progressing slowly. He is getting more vitality. Also, his yin appears more nourished. He has no more headaches and continues to have a great attitude. In general, his symptoms started as mild and not far from balance, so these subtle changes plus the increase in his sperm count are posititve signs.
Name: Nanci Simari
Credentials: licensed acupuncturist
Clinic Name: Acupuncture & Herbs
Street address: 556 Riviera Drive
City: Mastic Beach
State: NY
Zip: 11951
Phone 1: 631-729-3005
Specialties: Stress Reduction, Pain Management, General Health
Last modified: September 8, 2009
Tags: Acupuncture, acupuncturist, Herbs, infertility В· Posted in: Reproductive