Herbs and Acupuncture for Amenorrhea


Chief Complaint: sporadic menstrual cycles

Western Diagnosis: amenorrhea

Medical History: 27 year old female triathlete. Runs, bikes, skis. Menstrual cycles sporadic since age 16. Diet fairly balanced, except red meat and iron rich foods lower than needed. Until recently patient worked three jobs.

Questioning exam: 1-2 menstrual cycles a year presenting with low back cramping, onset with brown blood, duration 3-4 days, ending with brown blood. Flow remains light throughout cycle. Fatigue during cycle. especially. Low grade anxiety, cold hands and feet, slight constipation, occasional floaters, and sometimes hard to fall asleep, especially prior to onset of cycle. Patient also complains of “coming down with every cold that comes along”.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Oriental Medicine Treatment of Postpartum Abdominal Pain


Chief Complaint: postpartum lower abdominal pain.

Medical History: Aside from the main complaint, the patient says she is “otherwise healthy.” Normally, she eats two meals per day and snacks as she becomes hungry throughout the day—though sometimes she does not feel hungry enough to snack and simply eats two meals per day.

Food is a “low priority” in her daily schedule, particularly, she says, now after the baby’s birth. Her husband, who loves to cook, does most of the cooking. Her digestion is fine: no gas or bloating. Her stools are formed and once per day. In general, she tends towards constipation. Her urination is fine. She eats dairy, grains, vegetables and meat. She does not have a sweet tooth nor eat very much “fast food.”

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Chinese Medicine for Delayed Menstruation


Chief Complaint: Delayed Menstruation

History: 25 year old female. Menarche at 14 years old. No history of significant illnesses or trauma.

Symptoms: Delayed menstruation since menarch. Menstrual cycle between 40-60 days. Day 34 of cycle. Scanty, pale menstrual blood. Cramps, occasional clots, low back pain with onset of menses. Headaches and fatigue after menses.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Traditional East Asian Medicine for Amenorrhea


Chief Complaint: lack of Period

Western Diagnosis: Amenorrhea

History: previous 24 hr labor ending in c-section, 5 month long urinary tract infection which antibiotics weren’t treating. Migraines once a month or more often for past 12 years.

Symptoms: 31 year old woman who had not experienced a period in 3 years. Fatigue, trouble sleeping, irritability, stress, dizziness, cloudy urination, slightly painful urination, shortness of breath, Headaches behind eyes.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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Acupuncture Treatment for Lack of Menstrual Period


Chief Complaint: pain in flanks and lack of menstruation.

Western Diagnosis: amenorrhoea

History: Patient is 28 years old. Had tonsils removed and appendectomy in childhood, Broken left leg at 16 years old. No other medical condition

Symptoms: Started to have pain in flanks about 8 months ago. Concurrently the time in between periods got longer until the menstrual flow diminished and stopped in 2-3 months. Pain in flanks is more evident on the right side.

Last modified: September 8, 2009 · al · No Comments
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The Acupuncture Treatment of Amenorrhea


Chief Complaint: amenorrhea

Medical History: Female, 25 years old.
Diet-no meat except fish, lots of salad/tofu
Exercise-yoga 3x/week, walking
History of depression: 2 major episodes each lasting approximately 2 years. Amenorrhea began about the same time as onset of last depressive episode 2 1/2 years ago.

Last modified: September 6, 2009 · al · No Comments
Tags: ,  Â· Posted in: Gynecological