The Chinese Medicine Treatment of Low Back Pain

Chief Complaint: Low Back Pain
Western Diagnosis: Lumbago
Medical History: Low back pain for nine years because of car accident. No smoking and alcohol.
Questioning exam: Low back pain and weakness for nine years
Pulse exam: wire pulse. Press pain alone the spine at L-4 to s1.
Tongue exam: red and dry tongue.Limited movement at low back.
OM Diagnosis: kidney yin deficiency. Chronic Low Back Pain.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, back pain, Channel, Chinese · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
The Oriental Medicine Treatment of Myasthenia Gravis

Chief Complaint: Weakness of four limbs
Western Diagnosis: Myasthenia gravis
Medical History: About 6 times bowel movements with diarrhea sometimes. Cannot breathe deeply. Feel like the brain can not order limbs any more.
Questioning exam: I looked at the patient, a middle-aged woman and started to make diagnosis according to my knowledge and experience. One week prior her breathing stopped all of a sudden with serious weakness of limbs. She was taken to a hospital and stayed there for 5 days.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, Chinese, Myasthenia Gravis · Posted in: Auto-Immune, Musculo-Skeletal, Neurological
The Traditional Asian Treatment of Chronic Bronchitis

Chief Complaint: Chronic non-productive cough for 40 years
Western Diagnosis: chronic bronchitis
Medical History: 48 years old white female visits the office and complains that she has had constant dry cough for 40 years. The cough is more severe at night and early morning. In addition of cough, she has low back pain, frequent urination, dry mouth, cold hand and feet, especially in the winter. She is also easyly to catch cold. No accident can be recalled. During the past 40 years, she took varieties of antibiotics, steroids and many over-the-counter medications. But nothing worked for her. As a try, she turns to acupuncture for help.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, bronchitis, Chinese · Posted in: Respiratory
The Chinese Medicine Treatment of Male Infertility, Low Sperm Count and Motility

Chief Complaint: Infertility for three years
Western Diagnosis: low number sperm and poor activity
Medical History: Male, 31 years old, MD and very stressed, low back hurts all the times otherwise everything is fine.
Pulse exam: Pulse: weak and thin.
Tongue exam: Tongue is normal
Last modified: September 6, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, Chinese, infertility, sperm · Posted in: Reproductive
The Chinese Medicine Treatment of Childhood Asthma, Wheezing with Phlegm

Chief Complaint: wheezing, phlegm
Western Diagnosis: childhood asthma
Medical History: Child is 7 yr. old boy who has had this problem since diagnosis at 6 mos. old. Allergies to nuts, cats, feathers, and is sensitive to diary (uses soy/rice milk, but will eat cheese and eggs). He is an active child, enjoys socializing with his friends, and is very much a “boy”. He won’t come “out of the rain” unless he is told to, even though he knows the consequences will be sickness. When he gets sick, he’s down and needs to have extra medicines, such as, Pediapred. Mother uses a combination of natural and prescribed medications; the homeopathics for strengthening and for minor symptoms, the western for keeping him out of the hospital and because the schools and daycares will not administer herbs. When severe, has chest tightness.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, asthma, Chinese · Posted in: Allergic, Respiratory
The Chinese Medicine Treatment of Epigastric Pain

Chief complaint Epigastric pain for a few months. John, 28-year old, male.
Medical History The patient has had for more than one year. Two months ago, the patient had severe epiagstric pain and visited his regular doctor and had his liver checked. The result showed that the functions of the liver were normal, but HBsAg was ++. He has had eaten some Chinese herbs for regulation of the spleen and stomach functions and got better, but he still has epigastric pain when ever he stops taking the herbs.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, Chinese, epigastric pain · Posted in: Digestive
The Chinese Medicine Treatment of Dizziness

Chief complaint Dizziness for one week.
Medical History Emily, 36-year old, female. The patient has had edema which is more severe in the lower legs for one year. Three months ago, the patient visited her regular doctor and did a few refine checkup. She has glomerulonephritis and the urinary protein: +++, urinary red blood cell: 150. She has taken wilfordine for more than one month and gotten much better. The urinary protein: +, urinary red blood cell account: 50.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, Chinese, dizziness · Posted in: EENT, Metabolic, Neurological
The Treatment of Chest Pain with Chinese Medicine

Chief Complaint: Chest Bi (pain) Syndrome
by Wei Liu, TCMD, MPH, Lic. Acupuncturist, Dip. Herbologist, Lic. Nutritionist
John was a 49 years old patient having been ill with hypertension and coronary heart disease for 5 years. He paid his first visit to our clinic on Oct. 26. His blood pressure is usually around 140/90mmhg and could be well controlled by medications. But he often experienced frequent palpitation, insomnia, anxiety and depression. The palpitation usually happens in the morning and he had a lot of dreams in his sleeping. Also he had a burning sensation in the stomach with acid reflux. Sweating, chest oppression, flush and dizziness were absent. Defecation was regular, and the appetite was okay.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, acupuncturist, angina, Chinese · Posted in: Cardiovascular, Neurological
Treatment of facial hemiparalysis, Bell’s Palsy with Chinese Medicine

Chief Complaint: facial hemiparalysis for over 13 years.
Western Diagnosis: Bell’s palsy.
Medical History: He found he had a bad facial hemiparalysis one day morning thirteen years ago when he got up. His physician’s diagnosis was Bell’s palsy and told him that the problem will be cured in about three months by itself without any help. He waited about four months but the problem was still there and same as before. Then his physician told him that he is a special case, nobody could help. So he went to several other physicians and the answers were the same. His situation remains ever since. There is nothing special about his habits, diet, family history except he exercises a lot for the last 12 years.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, Bells Palsy, Channel, Chinese · Posted in: Neurological
The Treatment of Fibrocystic Breasts with Chinese Herbs

Chief Complaint: fibrocystic breasts
Western Diagnosis: fibrocystic breast disease
Medical History: T., 47 year old female, came to me complaining of fibrocystic breasts. Gyn exam revealed lumpy breast tissue, with scattered fluid-filled cysts in the upper quadrants. There was no pain associated with the condition. Menstrual history is uneventful; general good health. She began menstruating at 11 years of age, had two pregnancies, one live birth, and one abortion. Her gynecologist suggested mammography, but T. wanted to try Chinese medicine first. T. exercises regularly, using weights, flexibility training, aerobics, and Qi gong. She also meditates daily, eats a wide variety of foods, and regularly takes vitamin supplements; she detoxes three times per year.
Last modified: September 6, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, Channel, Chinese · Posted in: Cancer, Gynecological, Metabolic