Male Impotence Treated with Acupuncture and Oriental Herbs

Chief Complaint: Impotence
Western Diagnosis: Impotence.
Medical History: Patient is a 27 year old Caucasian male who presented with complaint of sexual dysfunction for two years duration. It is not continuous but has been steadily worsening.
Patient maintains a healthy diet, is moderately physically active and under tremendous psychological stress. maintains a monogamous relationship with a girlfriend.
He has been experiencing lumbago concurrent with the impotence since it began. He was involved in a motorcycle accident seven years prior in which, among other injuries, he shattered his left fibula and ankle. He now has decreased ROM in his left ankle and his gait is altered. This limits his physical activities and has set up mechanical imbalances in his pelvis and SI-joint.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В·
al В·
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Tags: Acupuncture, impotence В· Posted in: Reproductive