Acupuncture used for Low Back Pain and Hot Feet

Chief Complaint: lower back discomfort, hot feet.
Medical History: Female approx 50 + y.o.
Presenting Challenge: Discomfort in lower back last 12 months or so, can vary from sore or can’t get comfortable, to a sense of tired, weak. Also digestive challenges leading to diminished appetite pattern of irregular food intake due to varying work schedule.
Irregular menses last 2 years, last period 6mths or so ago.
Otherwise feels general health to be pretty good tho work schedules can be a bit taxing when busy.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, hot feet, low back pain · Posted in: Metabolic, Musculo-Skeletal
Acupuncture and Herbs for Low Back Pain

Chief Complaint: lower back pain for 6 years
Western Diagnosis: L3-L5 Hyperosteogeny
Medical History: Patient has been suffering from lower back pain for 6 years, and the pain, accompanied with sciatica for 3 months, gets worse when he is tired. He had chiropractic treatment for 3 months, but it was not efficiently improved.
Pulse exam: Pulse is wiry and fast.
Tongue exam: Tongue is purplish and redish with little coating.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, low back pain · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain

Chief Complaint: chronic low back pain
Western Diagnosis: L5/S1 disc herniation s/p laminectomy
Medical History: Patient is 31 yr. old female with two year hx of low back pain as a result of a fall at work 9/99. Diagnosed with L5/S1 disc herniation and radiculopathy at same level. Laminectomy performed 5/00. 14 months later low back, bilateral leg pain and left foot numbness continues.
Questioning exam: Other medical history significant for daily headaches, irregular dizziness, poor appetite, insomnia and bi-polar disorder.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, low back pain, pain · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
Acupuncture Treatment of Low Back Pain

Chief Complaint: Pain in lumbar region and back for 10 months, aggravated by turning body and not relieved by lying down
Medical History: 45 years male teacher smoker well-built, generally well, weight 95 kg and height 170 cm, with truncal obesity and sedentary way of life,MRI for lumbar region normal,
Questioning exam: his pain is worse in rainy days
and is more severe at night. but better with medication (analgesics).
Pulse exam: on examination locally tender areas at the back at level of lumbar vertebrae 3,4,and 5 no swelling or discoloration in the skin
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, low back pain · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
The Oriental Medicine Treatment of Low Back Pain & Sciatica

Chief Complaint: lumbago (lower back pain) and sciatica on the left side
Western Diagnosis: lumbago, sciatica
Medical History: Patient is a 49 year old Caucasian female that has lumbago and occasional sciatica on the left side which is chronic (for 4-5 years) but can vary in intensity depending on various factors. Bloating and flatulence are an ongoing problem as is chronic sinus congestion, bad breath, vaginal discharge, depression, PMS and sore throats. Patient works for a legal firm as an a paralegal and has to work overtime weekly. She is Divorced with 2 younger children and 1 older child. Patient usually has only coffee and a bagel for breakfast, fast food for lunch and eats a late dinner past 8 o’clock in the evening. She lists chocolate as one of her favorite foods and she does light exercises (e.g walking) about 1 hour a week. Most of her free time is spent with her children and family events. She rarely has any “alone-time.”
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, Herbs, low back pain, sciatica · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal, Neurological
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Prickling Pain

Chief Complaint: Prickling pain the lower legs and feet and low back pain
Western Diagnosis: Ideopathic peripheral neuropathy, osteoarthritis, osteopenia
Medical History: Patient is a 64 year old female who suffered an anxiety attack five years ago and a TIA three years ago before being diagnosed hyperthyroid and underwent a radioactive iodine treatment. She is now hypothyroid taking supplemental levothyroid and a daily 80mg aspirin. Patient suffers from osteoarthritis in the knees, feet and hands with visible deformity. Patient also suffers from osteopenia and takes Fossamax weekly. Otherwise, patient has an excellent diet and walks regularly. Patient lives near her family and sees them regularly, she also participates in various classes for seniors at the local community center.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: abdominal, Acupuncture, anxiety, legs, low back pain, pain, Peripheral Neuropathy · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal, Neurological
Acupunture and Herbal Treatment of Low Back Pain

Chief Complaint: low back pain
Medical History: 37 year old male presents with acute low back pain occurring for two weeks after turning to the left while squatting, and simultaneously holding a tire/wheel assembly, during an emergency tire change. Patient is a taxi cab owner/driver, sedentary, and a regular smoker.
Questioning exam: Patient has desire to sleep after eating, a bitter taste in mouth and experiences acid reflux. He drinks 8 cups of coffee daily, in addition to sodas. He sleeps in an uncomfortable bed 3-5 hours a night, has trouble falling asleep, and wakes up at night due to light, restless sleep and occasional disturbing dreams. Patient also reports an energy level of 5/10, low libido, a left knee that has pain in response to changes in weather, and a history of migraine headaches for 4 months.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, Herbs, low back pain · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal
Acupuncture Treatment of Chest and Low Back Pain

Chief Complaint: Chest and Low Back Pain
Medical History: 30 yrs, female, regular smoker, thin build, 2 years severe pain in chest and back western dx not available – heavy pain and muscle relaxant meds, bloating after eating, headaches shaoyang 1-2x / wk.
Questioning exam: night sweats, irritability, strong stress in life especially at the time of onset, dark circles under eyes, cold hands and feet, tendency toward constipation, wakes 1x at PM to urinate, PMS – mood swings, breast sensitivity, period – dark clots and cramps, heavy flow.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, chest, low back pain, pain · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal, Neurological
Acupuncture Treatment of Low back pain

Chief Complaint: Low back pain
Western Diagnosis: Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Medical History: Patient is a 82 year old male. He has had back pain for over 10 years. Relevant symptoms include achy, radiating sensation down the anterior right thigh and leg. Numbness and tingling in both feet. Major pain is at the right sacral area at the PSIS. It is tender to the touch. He has had back surgery, laminectomy of the L2,3 and 4 vertebrea. Left knee replacement 7 years ago and right hip replacement 15 years ago. he complains of no pain any where else in the body.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 ·
al ·
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Tags: Acupuncture, low back pain · Posted in: Musculo-Skeletal