Acupuncture Treatment of Excessive Menstrual Flow
Chief Complaint: extended menstrual cycle
Western Diagnosis: hypermennorhea
Medical History: Patient is a 42 year old female that outside of the diagnosis appears to be in good health. She is otherwise in good health, with no other chief complaints or diagnoses. Blood panels reveal occasional anemia.
Questioning exam: Menstrual cycle lasts 7 days, on average, although cycle occurs at regular intervals, otherwise. Menstrual coloration is dark red, flow is heavy for the first four days, and is accompanied by some cramping and clotting. Patient expressed a feeling of exhaustion, immediately following her cycle, and lasting up to one week.
Last modified: September 8, 2009 В· al В· No Comments
Tags: Acupuncture, menstruation В· Posted in: Gynecological